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Apr 20, 2019
Day 46: Once And For All
The cross is empty. The tomb is empty. "HE is not here, but is risen! Remember how HE spoke to you when HE was still in Galilee, "saying,...

Apr 20, 2019
Day 45: Stuck in the Middle
Have you ever prayed for patience? Well watch out because Impatience will come running through the door trying to steal the peace that...

Apr 19, 2019
Day 44 Extra: A Day Without
*I stumbled upon my writing from last year & it pierced my heart~ So today you get 2 Good Friday posts, as this is the second one* A day...

Apr 19, 2019
Day 44: One Ordinary Day
It was just an Ordinary Day. Everyone going about their business, but there was some commotion as people on the streets were watching A...

Apr 18, 2019
Day 43: He Did It For You
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last." (Matthew 20:6). WHAT???? But I want to be first in line. I want to get the first...

Apr 17, 2019
Day 42: More Than A Feeling
I am guilty as charged~ I don't "feel" EASTER because I always made EASTER about the baskets & bunny trails & the anticipation of the...

Apr 16, 2019
Day 41: Newsflash
It is all over the news~ the burning of Notre Dame As so many mourn the loss of the Cathedral, I wonder how many mourn the lost souls~...

Apr 15, 2019
Day 40: Healed
I CAN ONLY IMAGINE what JESUS was feeling knowing that in 4 days HE would be brutally wounded beyond comprehension. If you have ever been...

Apr 14, 2019
Day 39: From Rags to Riches
Oh how they greeted HIM as they waved PALM branches as HE~ THE KING OF THE JEWS rode into town on a donkey. Yup~ A KING riding on a...

Apr 13, 2019
Day 38: Healed Hurts
Three calls From three different women who are facing what they don't want to face because it hurts And you wonder~ Where is GOD in the...
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