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Mar 20, 2020
Day 17: End of Your Rope
LOOK UP! TRUST! LET GO! Oh the words that are so easy to say, yet really hard to do especially when you are at the end of your rope or...
Mar 19, 2020
Day 16: Transitionally Changed
TRANSITION~ What was~ is no longer. What is~ is. What will be~ is an unknown. TRANSITION~ Living in these ever CHANGING circumstances,...
Mar 18, 2020
Day 15: The New Normal
THE NEW NORMAL No longer what was because we are living in what is THE NEW NORMAL. But could THE NEW NORMAL be a better NORMAL than...
Mar 17, 2020
Day 14: Believe He Can
Oh the power of three letters~ D I S The power to change agree to DISagree approved to DISapproved obedience to DISobedience interested...
Mar 15, 2020
Day 12: Always Opened
Church~ CLOSED but GOD~ NEVER CLOSES! No matter what is going on the outside GOD never CLOSES. GOD never stops meeting with you & me &...
Mar 14, 2020
Day 11: Un~Anxious
Today I will be ANXIOUS about everything, in every circumstance. I won't talk to GOD about what is bothering me. I won't ask HIM to do...
Mar 13, 2020
Day 10: Un~chaotic
CHAOS is all around us causing CHAOS within us. The coronavirus The stock market falling Flights being cancelled Meetings being cancelled...
Mar 12, 2020
Day 9: Still God
To BE STILL because GOD IS GOD. To BE STILL because YOU ARE STILL MY GOD no matter what I feel no matter what I see no matter what I...
Mar 11, 2020
Day 8: Multitasking
I'm talking to you while I'm texting someone else while I'm checking my email while I'm thinking about what I'm going to do next & Doing...
Mar 10, 2020
Day 7: Steadfast Peace
WHAT are you thinking about right now? WHAT is overtaking your mind? It could be what I just asked you or it could be _________. To think...
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