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Jun 6, 2017
Day 29: Just Read
It is filled with them Every page Every sentence Every word Down to the last ".". A message for me A message for you A message for all...
Jun 5, 2017
Day 28: It is a New Day
It isn't Monday It is a Beautiful Day It is a New Day Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am...
Jun 4, 2017
Day 27: It's Not a Dream
The sun came up before I did this morning, but I thought I was up. Let me explain. Did you ever dream something yet thought it actually...
Jun 2, 2017
Day 25: Released
I am forgiven yet I walk into the courtroom every day and the Judge says, "You again. I thought I told you that you are not guilty. How...
Jun 1, 2017
Day 24: Potter's Hands
What do you say when you are asked How are you? Are you Just Fine Just Good Just because that is easy to say? How are you really? I have...
May 31, 2017
Day 23: Are We There Yet?
Are we there yet? You have said it as a child. Are we there yet? How much more time before we get there? Are you saying it now~ Am I...
May 30, 2017
Day 22: Dare to Be Loved
“God loves who we really are, whether we like it or not" (Brennan Manning) Dare to believe it Dare to not believe it Which one? Easier to...
May 29, 2017
Day 21: Remember
We the People But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises...
May 28, 2017
Day 20: Just Run
I finished the race I crossed the finish line yet I am still running and you are too~ Even if you don't like to run Even if you have...
May 27, 2017
Day 19: Directionally Challenged
Today is the big race When 1000s of people will show up to run to walk to skip 5 miles to do whatever it takes to finish the race. The...
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