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Mar 9, 2021
Day 21: Wanted Need
You WANT. You DESIRE. You don't get what You WANT & DESIRE. You WONDER. You WISH about what You WANT & what You DESIRE. You WAIT. Will I...

Mar 8, 2021
Day 20: The Silent Wait
If you have nothing good to say say nothing at all~ as that is where I am this morning. My heart hurts. I have been sitting in SILENCE,...

Mar 7, 2021
Day 19: A New Thing
It feels uncomfortable to be in cocoon just waiting to get your wings. I have been there before and liked flying with my wings, yet being...

Mar 6, 2021
Day 18: Peacefully Anxious
Today I will be ANXIOUS about everything, in every circumstance. I won't talk to GOD about what is bothering me. I won't ask HIM to do...

Mar 5, 2021
Day 17: Fearless
What if TODAY was the day that FEAR wasn't an option? What would you do? What would you stop doing? FEAR paralyzes. FEAR stops you in...

Mar 4, 2021
Day 16: Big Girl Pants
Put on YOUR BIG GIRL PANTS Put on YOUR BIG BOY PANTS because you need that extra does of COURAGE that extra dose that you don't have. So...

Mar 3, 2021
Day 15: Beyond Understanding
"They" say it is true, but you don't UNDERSTAND because you know it isn't true so what do you do~ "Trust in and rely confidently on the...

Mar 2, 2021
Day 14: It Is What It Is
You have said it. You have heard others say it. "IT IS WHAT IT IS" meaning "An expression used to characterize a frustrating or...

Mar 1, 2021
Day 13: Do Not Let
“DO NOT LET your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly)"* Permission to DO NOT LET~ DO NOT attach. DO NOT camp out with the hurt, the...

Feb 28, 2021
Day 12: Now Is The Time
The world is starting to open up, yet it is not. Vaccines for some & some still WAITING. Masks have become part of the uniform of life....
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