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Aug 20, 2018
Day 20: Up
Look to the left "It" is there. Look to the right "It" is there. Look behind you "It"is there. Look in front of you "It"is still there....

Aug 19, 2018
Day 19: Tell Him
You can do it when you are walking. You can do it when you are sitting. You can do it with your eyes opened. You can do it with your eyes...

Aug 18, 2018
Day 18: What if?
What if God took off on weekends? Who would hear our heart~ "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything...

Aug 17, 2018
Day 17: Let Go
Could you imagine what our day would be like today if you & if I really LET GO of that one thing that we just can't let go of. You know...

Aug 16, 2018
Day 16: Just Ask
Question~ “What do you want me to do for you?” Answer~ “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. From Rags to Riches~ Jesus said to him,...

Aug 15, 2018
Day 15: Up
What a weird morning. I just feel blah. I woke up late, but I guess I needed the sleep, but I don't feel refreshed. So I take inventory...

Aug 14, 2018
Day 14: More!
Who Are You? More Read the words of Timothy Keller "We are more sinful and flawed than we ever dared believe, yet More Loved and Accepted...

Aug 13, 2018
Day 13: He Remembers
LET'S GET REAL~ Authentic Honest Genuine Truthful~ Because if you can't be REAL then who are you? My grandson is REAL because that is all...

Aug 12, 2018
Day 12: Real Life
LIFE ISN'T A GAME It is filled with *Trouble*~ "Dear brothers and sisters, when Troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an...

Aug 11, 2018
Day 11: Abundantly Abundant
Follow Jesus and you will experience The Abundant Life because~ " I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it More...
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