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Aug 10, 2018
Day 10: Yes!
So You are telling me that You love me Why? Because You haven't known me that long I haven't done anything important I haven't said...
Aug 9, 2018
Day 9: Delayed Wait
DELAYED Came the announcement~ A 3 hour WAIT. DELAYED Came the announcement~ A 5 hour WAIT DELAYED Came the announcement~ A 6 hour WAIT...
Aug 8, 2018
Day 8: Is God Thankful?
We look up and say Thank you God for __________ as "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the...
Aug 7, 2018
Day 7: Make Sense?
See, Hear, Taste, Touch & Smell~ Oh the Freedom to use our senses in whatever way we like~ but is that really Freedom? Hmm~ Eve Saw a...
Aug 6, 2018
Day 6: What Was
Because What Was Will Never Be Again~ “Forget about what’s happened; Don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about...
Aug 5, 2018
Day 5: Still
The stillness is deafening this morning. This rarely happens with this brain of mine, yet all I hear are the birds chirping & the...
Aug 4, 2018
Day 4: One Step Forward
One Step Forward. Two Steps Backwards. Repeat! Can you relate? And then when you do it enough it appears to be much easier to keep...
Aug 3, 2018
Day 3: From Here To Eternity
From Here to Eternity May be the title to a movie, but it is oh so much more than that because It is where you and I are right now,...
Aug 2, 2018
Day 2: Here & There
Oh the wise words of Dr. Suess~ “From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!” Whether you are There trying to...
Aug 1, 2018
Day 1: Why Wait?
Today begins our 31 Day Journey of Becoming Wait~Less So We can Live in the Moment as we are going FROM here TO there Living the Abundant...
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