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Sep 30, 2020
Day 16: Final Breakthrough
"30 days has September..." and it is true as this is the 30th day and the end of a month as a NEW month will BREAKTHROUGH tomorrow. But...

Sep 29, 2020
Day 15: Breakthrough Wait
It feels like it is taking forever because it is taking forever. You PRAY. You WAIT. And still it is taking forever because what you are...

Sep 28, 2020
Day 14: Perfectly Messy
I had my first out of COVID experience. It felt like a dream. As we gathered together like it was an ordinary day. as it started like all...

Sep 27, 2020
Day 13: Weekend Breakthrough
What if GOD took off weekends? Who would be with you wherever you go? (Joshua 1:9) Who would guard your heart with the peace that...

Sep 26, 2020
Day 12: Soaring Breakthrough
I waited patiently in the loneliness, in the darkness, in the solitude. I used to be crawling through life, and now this. Hidden from...

Sep 25, 2020
Day 11: Breakthrough Warrior
They saw the water in front of them. They saw the Egyptians behind them. They saw FEAR. The Israelites BROKE DOWN~ " It would have been...

Sep 24, 2020
Day 10: Perfect Day Breakthrough
BREAKTHROUGH~ because Today is going to be the PERFECT DAY. What will you do? Where will you go? Who will you spend it with? Because...

Sep 23, 2020
Day 9: Breakthrough Light
This morning I awoke to the Shining Moon~ piercing through the remnants of night. In a matter of time the Sun would take over~ to shed...

Sep 22, 2020
Day 8: Season Breakthrough
The wind is blowing as it is whisking away summer. I don't even like writing those words as I am not a CHANGING seasons kind of a girl. I...

Sep 21, 2020
Day 7: Biggest Breakthrough
It happened one starry night. It happened just like GOD said it would. It happened for you & me & everyone else. It happened when...
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