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Oct 22, 2022
Day 22: You Are Wanted
What do you want? What do you really want? Is it "for this to happen" or "for that to happen"~ and then you will have everything that you...

Oct 21, 2022
Day 21: Perfectly Messy
Once Upon A Time GOD created you. I picture GOD in heaven with HIS soon to be born babies. HE carefully looks into the eyes of every...

Oct 20, 2022
Day 20: Unbroken Grace
I can SEE now what GOD has wanted me to SEE for so long. I got caught in the trap that I thought I would never be caught in again. The...

Oct 19, 2022
Day 19: Chosen
So how do you fathom THE TRUTH that you are CHOSEN BY GOD, when you are being UNCHOSEN by those around yo? You can't fathom it, as you...

Oct 18, 2022
Day 18: Blessed Brokenness
JESUS ALWAYS says it better than I can ever say it. Oh THE BLESSINGS of BROKENNESS that is BEAUTIFUL because "You’re blessed when you’re...

Oct 17, 2022
Day 17: Perfect Timing
I wonder what kind of watch GOD wears, because HIS TIMING is ALWAYS PERFECT. I think the two hands are WAIT & WAIT. But doesn't WAITNG...

Oct 16, 2022
Day 16: Unbroken Belief
GOD said IT would come up as IT comes up every day. THE SUN. But have you ever DOUBTED whether THE SUN would come up when the horizon is...

Oct 15, 2022
Day 15: Unbroken Brokenness
It isn't about ME. And I am not saying that in a poor ME kinda of tone. I am saying it in a FREEDOM kinda way. Oh to remove yourself from...

Oct 12, 2022
Day 12: Unbroken Surrender
I just read the following words and I started to cry and I don't know why as they were familiar words and simple words but it is as if I...

Oct 11, 2022
Day 11: Forever Hope
HELPLESSNESS is BROKEN HOPE when you feel so HOPELESS when all you see is the SADNESS all around you. Oh my heart is so saddened by all...
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