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Dec 3, 2018
Register Today
Calling All Women from ages 15-110! It is time to Exchange your RAGS FOR RICHES and LIVE AS A MASTERPIECE! Register today for a WEEKEND...

Nov 30, 2018
Breakthrough Baby
I have learned so much about myself from sharing my story in THE BREAKTHROUGH EFFECT. One little chapter written by this 5 foot zero...

Nov 29, 2018
I love the word THWARTED. Try saying it ten times or just once and you will love it too. Besides just saying it, it is my favorite word...

Nov 28, 2018
Why God?
I want THIS and then I get THAT. You want THIS and then you get THAT You and I ask GOD for THIS and then HE gives us THAT and you wonder~...

Nov 27, 2018
Why Believe?
Why is it so easy to NOT BELIEVE IN GOD? It must be so easy because there are so many who are choosing to NOT BELIEVE IN GOD. If there...

Nov 26, 2018
Just Believe
There is so much more than What is What was What will be. More beyond what our eyes can see. More beyond what our hearts can feel. More...

Nov 24, 2018
End of His Rope
LOOK UP TRUST LET GO Oh the words that are so easy to say. yet really hard to do~ When you are at the end of your rope or When a loved...

Nov 23, 2018
Drink Up
The Day After the Feasting on Turkey Stuffing and Potatoes Cranberry Sauce and Pie~ but not forgotten because there remains the...

Nov 22, 2018
Day 22: The Day
THANKS GIVING or is it GIVING THANKS? A day Gathered around the table with the traditional Stuffing or Dressing Turkey Mashed potatoes...

Nov 21, 2018
Day 21: Thankful Love
“I have loved you,” says the Lord. “But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ Malachi 1:2 Israel doubts God's Love. “I have loved you,” says...
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