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Oct 27, 2018
Blessed are You!
You sneeze and I say~ BLESS YOU. Something good happens~ and I say YOU ARE BLESSED. To be BLESSED is to be HIGHLY FAVORED~ and it may not...

Oct 26, 2018
Thank You
Great sadness fills me heart right now, like it may have filled your heart, when THE UNEXPECTED happens in a completely UNEXPECTED WAY....

Oct 25, 2018
If only a baby could talk~ You are telling me that You love me Why? You haven't known me that long. I haven't done anything important. I...

Oct 24, 2018
An Extraordinary Gift
Once Upon A time there lived a woman who said... “GOD takes our sins – the past, present, and future, and dumps them in the sea and puts...

Oct 23, 2018
God Appointments
It happened again~ without my knowing. I was in the right place at the right time even though I didn't know I was~ until a friend said hi...

Oct 22, 2018
If HE told me once If HE told me twice If HE keeps telling me the same thing over and over again~ Is HE trying to tell me something? Oh...

Oct 21, 2018
Ticking Forward
I just did the impossible~ started to clean the basement, and if you have been to my house you know about "the" basement. If you want...

Oct 20, 2018
Train of Events
God's plan is always better than my plan. I get on my train and I am the conductor & then something comes on the tracks which diverts MY...

Oct 19, 2018
If God is thinking about me~ then I don't have to be thinking about me. If God is thinking about me~ then I don't have to be thinking...

Oct 18, 2018
A picture is worth 1000 words~ so at this moment I am speechless. "Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God the...
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