I don't want to do "it"
I can't stand "it"
"It" is driving me crazy
When will "it" be over?
It is finished.
It really is.
The wait is over,
It is finished.
What is the "it" in your life that you can't wait for "it" to be finished?
Is it a diet, a conflict, a sickness, a relationship, a habit or just Monday?
The wait is over, because
It is finished.
"It" is now
"It" is this moment
It is finished...
Jesus last words.
It is finished
He finished it.
"It is finished"...
to bring to an end, complete, fulfill.
It is finished...
But what is IT?
"It" meaning...
Jesus got on a cross and took all of your "it"
so that you can live despite whatever your "it" is.
What if Jesus was the IT in your everything?
The subject of your every sentence.
The predicate of your every verb.
When your IT seems impossible.
When you are wishing your IT away
When your IT is bothering you...
Just say His name before anything you say, or do or feel.
How would that change your IT?
You can do "it" because He did IT for you!
And He would do it again
And again
And again.
Whatever your "it" is,
His IT covers it.
A little play on words, but really think about IT...
will change everything.
"...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty . I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:11-13