I am not ____________________.
How would you fill in the blank?
Oh how easy it is to tell you who I am not,
as the list would go on and on...
But then I look up
And Jesus says
You are not who you believe yourself to be because
The One Who Was from the very beginning (John 4:26; 1:1)
I AM the Bread of Life~
the One Who fully satisfies all our hungers and thirsts (John 6:35; Philippians 4:19)
I AM the Light of the world~
the One Who illuminates the darkest of dark with His Truth (John 9:5)
I AM the Door of the sheep~
the One Who welcomes whomever walks through...
to save, to give abundant life (John 10:7; 10)
I AM the Good Shepherd~
the One Who knows our name and Who gave up His life for (John 10:11; 4-15)
I AM the Son of God~
The One Who makes us His Child (John 10:36; 1:12-13)
I AM the resurrection and the life~
the One Who raises us from our fallen state by giving us
His life (John 11:25; 1 John 5:11-12)
I AM the way, and the truth and the life~
the One Who we follow because He knows the way we should take,
that is paved with Truth
that breathes life into our breathless body (John 14:6)
I AM the true vine~
The One Who we abide in so that we bear His fruit (John 15:1; 15:4)
I AM the Alpha and the Omega~
the One
Who WAS,
Who IS
Who IS TO COME (Revelations 1:8)
When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man And He placed His right hand on me, saying,
"Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, (Revelations 1:17)
How can we ever say that
I am not?
If He is what I am not
then I am all that He has come to bring.
So I ask you again
How would you now fill in...
I am not ____________________.
Cross out
He is all that you are not.
So today
Let’s fast from the weight of
"I am not"
Holding on to the hand of
Who changes every one of your
I am not
I am _____________________
He said
Wait Loss Log
1st Pound: Self
2nd Pound: Complaining and Blame
3rd Pound: Chaos
4th Pound: Shame
5th Pound: Forsaken
6th Pound: What do you have to lose
7th Pound: Jealousy
8th Pound: Fear
9th Pound: I am Not