I'm talking to you
I'm texting someone else
I'm checking my email
I'm thinking about what I'm going to do next
Doing that too!
Never getting anything done
because while you doing what you need to do
you are doing everything else that you need to do
Doing everything at once but nothing at all
Not living in the moment
Because the moment you are in is another moment
You are probably doing it right now
Not being present because you are being present somewhere else
How does multitasking keep you from being in the present?
What if Jesus multitasked?
He was feeding the 5000
He was also
Walking on water
Healing the blind man
Turning water into wine
Teaching the sermon on the mount
Calming the sea
Eating His Last Supper
Hmm...think about it.
But Jesus was
Always present~
Even on the cross
When He was thinking about you and me
He was present
Or He would have never got on the cross
So He could be present in your present
To walk with you
To wipe your tears
To strengthen you
To be your peace
To be your hope
To just be
All you need when you need it.
Have you ever tried Multitasking with Jesus?
If you have
you wouldn't be able to multitask
because you would be in the presence of the
One Who is always Present.
Multitasking Martha tried it~
"As she was distracted with all her preparations"
In the presence of Jesus...
But then their eyes met
He spoke to her...
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary."
Jesus had to say her name twice
probably because
She had to hear it twice
She was doing twice as much as what she thought
She had to do
instead of
Doing the most important thing first!
Instead, like Mary did...
who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said.~
Mary, who
"has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:38-42)
So Let's fast from
Doing the most important first~
Inviting Jesus into our
Multitasking Mess~
Because He is always in the moment
You will
Get all you need to get done
One thing at a time
moment by moment!
So how many things are you going to do right now?