You have 1 minute to find...
Looks easy, but I am not done
Find the Waldo with the missing shoe!
Yup, he's there.
How do you feel about finding him now?
You may take your whole Monday to look for him
you know he is there
you will be like the Giant
with your eyes half opened
with a hopeless attitude~
but then
would you really be seeking?
Aren’t we like that with God.
We have a God
Who loves us
just as we are,
bestows blessings upon us…
instead we crawl through life,
with one eye opened asking,
But it isn’t about
Where are you God~
God is not lost!
It is about
Where are you?
Because we get distracted~
as there are endless obstacles
that we must get around in order to see
His Face.
Do you respond like this cowardly giant,
giving up,
and sort of seeking
with one eye covered..
you can’t find GOD
in a sea of distractions?
What are the imposter Waldos that distract you from seeing the real thing?
What is getting in the way of your seeking God?
"If you seek Him, He will be found by you." I Chronicles 28:9
"you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul." Deuteronomy 4:29
With your
Knowing He is there
Believing He is there...
just like you are probably still seeking to find shoeless Waldo
With your ALL
because you know he is there.
Let's lose another pound today
and fast from
from the imposter Waldos
that get in the way of your
finding the
One true One...
Seeking the
Who never gets distracted
Looking at you.
Wait Loss Log
1st Pound: Self
2nd Pound: Complaining and Blame
3rd Pound: Chaos
4th Pound: Shame
5th Pound: Forsaken
6th Pound: What do you have to lose
7th Pound: Jealousy
8th Pound: Fear
9th Pound: I Am Not
10th Pound: Timidity
11th Pound: I Don’t Know
12th Pound: Hopelessness
13th Pound: What is weighing you down
14th Pound: Frustration
15th Pound: DIS-belief
16th Pound: Running Away
17th Pound: Anxiety
18th Pound: Stumbling & Falling
19th Pound: Dark Clouds
20th Pound: IT
21st Pound: Multi~Tasking
22nd Pound: Unwholesome Talk
23rd Pound: Trees
24th Pound: Nobody
25th Pound: Angry Elf
26th Pound: The Fool
27th Pound: The Past
28th Pound: Distractions