Have you ever prayed for patience?
Well watch out
will come running through the door
trying to
steal the peace that transcends all understanding.
"Intolerance of anything that thwarts, delays, or hinders.
Eager desire for relief or change; restlessness."
when you are
Stuck in the Middle of Wait~
Stuck in the waiting room.
Have you been there?
You know the doctor is there
You know you are on time
You know that they could move a wee bit faster
But you wait
Because you are not in control
Stuck in the Middle of Wait~
Awaiting a diagnosis
Awaiting surgery
Awaiting an answer
Awaiting for ____________.
What are you waiting for?
How are you when you are stuck in the middle of wait?
Waiting is waiting
no matter how big or small your wait is
it is more about how you are
when you are stuck in the waiting room
just waiting...
wanting to move forward while nothing is happening.
"to stay where one is or delay action until a particular time or until something else happens."
what if
God’s plan is the
when you have no choice but to look up?
Today we remember the biggest wait:
Jesus is in the tomb.
Quietness fills the land as
their Jesus
our Jesus
is taken off from the cross
put in the tomb.
Questions arise~
If He is our Messiah, where is He now?
What do we do now?
Stuck in the Middle...
with nothing that you can do.
Stuck in the Middle of Wait...
because there is nothing to do
but to
Trust God~
What He said
What would He do
When He would do it.
we forget
they forgot
Jesus did say
after three days He will rise. Mark 9:31
How quickly they forgot
How quickly I forget.
How about you when you are stuck in the middle of wait?
Do you forget what God has said?
Do you forgot what Jesus has done?
Do you forget that
Jesus is with you
to walk with you,
especially when you are
Stuck in the Middle of Wait?
~for something to happen
~anticipating the something that is going to happen
~or fearful of the what may happen.
Are you stuck in the middle of wait?
Where is Jesus?
He is there
In the tomb
Just waiting for God’s perfect timing
When God’s power will
raise Him~
the same power that is within us.
Jesus hasn’t gone anywhere that He wasn’t supposed to go.
He was just following His Father’s will
so we could follow our Father’s will
even when we are
Stuck in the Middle
Jesus did rise in three days
we will rise above whatever keeps us
Stuck in the Middle.
Jesus was
Stuck in the Middle
on the
middle cross
two criminals
while He was
in the middle of wait
a conversation took place...
The criminal looked to Jesus and said,
"Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!"
And Jesus responded,
"Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." Luke 23:42-43
I bet the criminal was glad that it was
Jesus who was
Stuck in the Middle
because now he would wait
Joy &
no longer stuck
he trusted the
One in the middle.
It is in our
Trusting God
in the middle of wait
when we are able to
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
it isn’t about what you are waiting for.
It is about
experiencing the peace
of God
in the midst of the wait
whatever your wait may be.
We have to remain
stuck to God
because that is where we will experience
His Peace
His Joy and
His love
that covers all the fears and anxiety found
in the waiting room.
So let's lose the 39th Pound and
while you are
Stuck in the Middle of Wait
looking to the
Who patiently waited
three days in the tomb
so that
He would rise
God’s perfect timing
He always does
what He says He will do...
And you then you can
Be joyful always
as you
Pray continuously
and as you
Give thanks in all circumstances
"While I'm Waiting"....
...for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Wait Loss Log
1st Pound: Self
2nd Pound: Complaining and Blame
3rd Pound: Chaos
4th Pound: Shame
5th Pound : Forsaken
6th Pound: What do you have to lose
7th Pound: Jealousy
8th Pound: Fear
9th Pound: I Am Not
10th Pound: Timidity
11th Pound: I Don’t Know
12th Pound: Hopelessness
13th Pound: What is weighing you down
14th Pound: Frustration
15th Pound: DIS-belief
16th Pound: Running Away
17th Pound: Anxiety
18th Pound: Stumbling & Falling
19th Pound: Dark Clouds
20th Pound: IT
21st Pound: Multi~Tasking
22nd Pound: Unwholesome Talk
23rd Pound: Trees
24th Pound: Nobody
25th Pound: Angry Elf
26th Pound: The Fool
27th Pound: The Past
28TH Pound: Distractions
29th Pound: Meaningless-ness
30th Pound: Nobody
31st Pound: Discontentment
32nd Pound: Procrastination
33rd Pound: Judgement
34th Pound: Rushing
35th Pound: ?
36th Pound: Missing Jesus
37th Pound: The Last
38th Pound: Without
39th Pound: Impatience