He did it again
He pushed himself into a corner
he keeps it doing the same way~
crawling backwards
that is all he knows.
the look on his face tells it all
that nothing is going to steal his joy
even though he is stuck.
He knows that he won't remain there
because he looks up to his mommy
to whom he knows
will pick him up
and point him in the right direction.
he will try again
and will end up
back to square one
back to the beginning
where he got himself into the same position
now what?
Have you ever been there
or are you there now~
when you
begin again from the same place
but end up back in the same place
back to the beginning
because you keep doing it the same way
because that is how you have always done it
Once Upon a Time ago
and that is the way you are going to keep doing it
expecting different results?
What do you do that pushes you back into a corner,
into the same corner?
To back oneself into a corner~
"to manage to get oneself into a position where there is limited escape."
Pushed into a corner
a place of no return
where you just can't get out of
yet try again
the same way that got you there in first place.
I think that is called
"doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.
Now what?
It is time
to have
child-like faith
look up
to the
who will
pick you up
and point you in the right direction
to begin again
to try it
His way
when you
Put Him in Your Story
your way isn't working any longer.
Now Everett will learn how to crawl forward
as he will figure it out
because he is determined to get that toy
that is beyond his reach in front of him
because he can already taste it in his mouth.
He will try
and try
will succeed
his eyes are peeled on the prize.
Will you keep pressing forward and
Put You in His Story?
I, _____________________ , will focus on this one thing:
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,
I, _________________, press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling me, __________________. Philippians 3:13-14