It just won't go away
A memory in your story
It just won't go away
A feeling in your story
It just won't go away
A circumstance in your story
It just won't go away
A character in your story~
a someone who has hurt you and continues to do so.
It just won't go away
A person, place or thing
the nouns of life that
It just won't go away
no matter how hard you try to
stop feeling it
try to change the
he, she or it
It just won't go away...
because it has become part of your story.
You can't rip the page out,
but it is ripping you.
What is your It just won't go away?
Put Him in Our Story
and take
the step
from what was
from what is
to Who always is~
in the midst of despair
when rejection becomes your middle name
when your story has stopped still
when forgiveness is needed
when life just isn't fair
when pain and suffering is all you remember
when you want to throw the towel in
from what binds you~
the memory
the emotion
the circumstance
the someone...
Because He erases
what was
by becoming your
Who is
He won't go away.
Put Him in Your Story.
And this will be your story
as it has become mine
as the words of the song
"My Story" by Big Daddy Weave
so truthfully tells
Read and Listen below:
If I told you my story You would hear HOPE that wouldn't let go If I told you my story You would hear LOVE that never gave up If I told you my story You would hear LIFE but it wasn't mine If I should speak then let it be Of the GRACE that is greater than all my sin Of when JUSTICE was served and where mercy wins Of the KINDNESS of Jesus that draws me in To tell you my story is to tell of Him If I told you my story You would hear VICTORY over the enemy If told you my story You would hear FREEDOM that was won for me If I told you my story You would hear LIFE overcome the grave If I should speak then let it be This is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long.
He won't go away.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, _________________, (PUT your name)who is weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, _________________, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you, ________________, will find rest for your soul .For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30