I waited patiently
in the loneliness,
in the darkness,
in the solitude.
I used to be crawling through life, and now this.
Hidden from everyone,
Where I had to wait.
Where I had to be still.
And then, before my very eyes,
I saw a bright light coming into the darkness.
Is this really happening?
So I tried to crawl to the light,
but instead I became light as feather,
and felt like I was flying.
Out of the dark cave,
I flew free
toward the light and
began to see colors all around me.
It was like I was blind before.
What beauty!
How freeing to be flying.
But what if I gave up in the wait?
I would have never been able to experience
Such Peace,
Such Joy,
Such Freedom.
All because
My God
had a much bigger plan for me
than I could every have imagined.
Thank you God .
Thank you for giving me wings, so now I can fly!
My Testimony, Your testimony.
From Caterpillar to Butterfly.
From Crawling to Flying.
From Bondage to Freedom.
Transformed in the darkness of the cocoon.
Who Am I~
Who are You~
In Him
we are
Created to soar.
Use your wings!
“… but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint “ Isaiah 40:31
From Rags to Riches.