The little boy looked up to
his grandfather
and asked,
Do You Know Anyone Famous?
I never heard the answer,
because the grandfather never
even when the little boy asked again,
Do You Know Anyone Famous?
I wish I could have asked the little boy
"Why do you ask?".
Because what if he knew someone famous,
would that make him famous?
"known about by many people"
So how many people would it take to make
you & I
10 or 2000 friends on Facebook.
or winning an Oscar?
So I asked myself that question
Who Do I Know Who is Famous?
And you know what, I do know
Someone Famous
& my
knowing that
makes me
because the
Famous One
knows my name, , and better yet
The Famous One
knows your name, and better yet
Famous One
created you on purpose for a purpose.
is being
is being
& is being
by the
Famous One.
So little boy, wherever you are right now
I know
Someone Famous
The Someone Famous
knows you,
you are
when you
Put Him in Your Story
He Put You in His Story.
He Sees You~
He will not let your foot slip—He who watches over you
will not slumber. The LORD watches over you
The LORD will keep you
from all harm—
He will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your
coming and going both now and forevermore. (Psalm 121:3, 5-8)
He Hears You~
I call on You, God, for You will answer me;
turn your ear to me & and hear my prayer. (Psalm 17:6)
He Accepts You~
You are no longer a slave, but God’s child;
and since you are His child,
God has made you also an heir. (Galatians 4: 4-7)
So I ask you,
Do You Know Anyone Famous?
from the weight of
Thinking Less of Ourselves
by fixing our eyes on
The Famous One
Who calls You
His Child~
Because if you know
The Famous One ~
He Knows My Name (Listen below)
Weight Loss Log 1st Pound: SELF 2nd Pound: COMPLAINING & BLAME 3rd Pound: JEALOUSY 4th Pound: I AM NOT 5th Pound:____________ 6th Pound: Unwholesome Talk 7th Pound: Worry 8th Pound: Anxiety 9th Pound: Sick & Tired 10th Pound: Feelings 11th Pound: Surviving 12th Pound: _________
13th Pound: Doing Nothing
14th Pound: Un~Mattered
15th Pound: Until
16th Pound: DIS
17th Pound: Not
18th pound: The Past
19h Pound: Temporary
20th Pound: Simplify
21st Pound: Little Wants
22nd Pound: Thinking Less