HE is everywhere.
HE is in the hurt.
HE is in the sorrow.
HE is in the whys and whens and hows.
Because HE is IN whatever and wherever we are.
But at times
HE doesn't feel like HE is there.
And you wonder,
"Are you sleeping on the job GOD?".
Because if you were GOD
would you have allowed this or that to happen?
Oh if only we were GOD,
we think we could do it better.
how difficult could it be to part the Red Sea?
I am sure that is what the Israelites forgot~
that "little parting"
when they were tired of being in the desert,
tired of trusting the ONE who parted the Red Sea.
So they did become their own god
by creating their own god
in a shape of a golden calf
Moses was talking with GOD on the mountain top
receiving the ten commandments.
For when Moses came down,
after his encounter with GOD
can you imagine what he thought?
Well we know what he thought
as his anger broke the tablets GOD had inscribed
and then he burned their little idol of a god.
TRUST in the wrong god never ends well
because there is only one GOD.
What would you have done after
GOD had set your free from slavery
and made a promise to you
"I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.
I will take you as my own people, and I will be your GOD" (Exodus 6:6).
When GOD says I WILL,
Oh when we take our life in our own hands
when we don't see the hand of GOD in our circumstances.
We know HE is there. We know HE is LOVE.
But don't we forget that HE did set us FREE.
because HE is our GOD.
Oh when our FAITH becomes so little
we forget the face of GOD.
Oh I forget when I worship my little god of DOUBT.
For it is in those moments
I forget the big moment
when GOD reached down
in the midst of my wandering
and sent HIS SON
set me FREE,
just because GOD said HE WILL.
Oh how we should never forget,
in the midst of our desert times,
that JESUS walked on the water
and so did Peter
until Peter's fear was bigger than his FAITH
and DOUBT had him sink.
BUT did JESUS give up on him~
"Immediately JESUS reached out HIS hand and caught him.
'You of little faith,' HE said,
“why did you doubt?' (Matthew 14:22)".
The same JESUS who takes our DOUBT
the moment we look up to HIM
before we go to our little gods~
“I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).
HIS hand is always wherever you are
and all HE asks is to remember
the parting of your Red Sea
the moment
JESUS stepped into your life
because HE is still JESUS.
Let's FAST from the raging seas of
Whenever DOUBT starts to cloud your vision,
close your eyes
and speaking to your heart~
"Take heart. It is I. Do not be afraid" (Matthew 14:27).
and let DOUBT just drip off into the water
as you
(listen to the song below)